Home Security Tips

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What type of door viewer can give you a good look outside?

Home Security Tips

Landscaping, believe it or not, can contribute to the security of your home. Although bushes and trees can provide privacy and shade for your yard they also provide hiding places for intruders. Make sure your bushes are trimmed back away from your door, your trees are well groomed and the limbs are trimmed back away from the house. A wide-angle lens door viewer will provide you with the means to see a panoramic view of the space around the door, but trees and shrubs can hide a person who is lurking on your property. Long hanging limbs can provide access to the second story of the home. Another tip is to have a maintained yard a groomed lawn is a good indication that someone is home.



11/29/2006 4:31:07 PM
Karen Gilbert said:

This is an excellant tip, a fact.


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